
It might seem strange at first glance that in a section about problems caused by the hormonal system, which often involve neurologists and psychologists, there is much discussion about the liver, a pathology specialized by other experts - hepatologists. This is a curiosity of modern medicine, where the consequences of the same process, or symptoms, depending on how these symptoms manifest, are addressed by various specialists to suppress these symptoms.


The Liver
The liver could be said to be our main biological clock organ, performing about 500 different functions. The primary function is protein synthesis. How metabolic processes and protein synthesis occur in the liver will determine how the immune system functions, how quickly you will recover, how scars will heal, among many other processes. Another vital function performed by the liver is the detoxification from toxic metabolic end products. Without the liver, a person can live for 3 hours and die from intoxication. About 2000 liters of blood pass through the liver daily.

Before birth, while still in the fetal stage, the liver performs the function of hematopoiesis. Another important function performed by the liver is the synthesis and deactivation of hormones.

Every minute, more than one liter of blood passes through and is filtered by the liver (80% from the small intestine enriched with nutrients and 20% oxygen-rich blood from the heart). If, for some reason, the liver cannot provide this flow (alcohol, hepatitis, parasites, poisoning, etc.), blood accumulation starts in its lower part. This condition leads to the expansion of varicose veins in the lower extremities and the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes. Damaged liver tissue is replaced with connective tissue, and nothing can flow through it anymore (liver cirrhosis). Problems with the venous systems of the lower extremities begin - hemorrhages.

The liver can store energy for an adult about 2000 calories, which is necessary for 24 hours. Storage occurs in the form of the disaccharide glycogen, approximately 150g, with the remainder in the muscles. In fat, a person can store about 100,000 calories. Neurons in the brain are the most sensitive to energy deficiency, as they die within 10 seconds. By the way, honey is a good remedy against hypoglycemic coma, as it provides energy both immediately in the form of glucose and gradually, in the form of complex sugars.

The pituitary gland in the brain regulates the rest of the endocrine glands with hormones: the adrenal glands, sex glands, thyroid gland. Meanwhile, the liver performs the deactivation of these hormones, as hormonal balance is crucial, and if it is not maintained, health problems begin.

Toxins from intestinal villi, along with nutrients, directly enter the liver through blood capillaries, where they are neutralized. First, they are oxidized, and then an amino acid is added. The liver produces 80% of cholesterol. For its normal functioning, B and C vitamins, lecithin, preferably of plant origin, are important. This is crucial because the modern toxic diet creates a huge burden on the liver, which can lead to the formation of gallstones. These are thickened bile, toxin formations. There are no pain nerve branches in the liver itself, so it does not hurt, but other symptoms can appear. The main one is weakness, as the liver is the main energy organ. Various types of skin pigmentation indicate liver problems. Bitterness in the mouth indicates bile entering the lymph, as bile flow to the intestinal tract is obstructed, seeping through the walls and entering the lymphatic system, even in the brain. Liver problems can also manifest as pain on the right side of the head and shoulder, if the liver is fattened, liver cirrhosis can develop, a lot of the hormone cortisol accumulates, causing problems with the adrenal gland. The amount of the female hormone estrogen increases, bile production decreases, causing problems with the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins. Liver fattening is promoted by a deficiency of vitamin B4 (choline) and sulfur-containing amino acid methionine.

The liver can be infested with parasites - Giardia, Opisthorchis, or larger ones: tapeworms, echinococci. There can be fungi, viruses, for example, cytomegalovirus, or bacteria, for example, staphylococcus. Chemical poisoning is also possible. In all cases, liver cells suffer.

Scientists have discovered four types of stem cells in the liver. This means they have very good regenerative abilities. Even if only a few percent of the liver is undamaged, it can regenerate, requiring a healthy lifestyle, exercise, healthy diet, detoxification, and protection. In any liver disease, alcohol consumption must be avoided. The maximum amount of alcohol the liver can handle in 24 hours is 1ml of 40-degree alcohol per kilogram of weight. For example, for a person weighing 80 kg, that is 80 ml. The liver particularly dislikes unnatural products, large amounts of fats, dried foods, preservatives, colorants, stabilizers, products with a high protein concentration, etc. The longer fats are cooked and the higher the temperature, the more the liver dislikes them. Therefore, it is better to choose thermally stable oils for frying, such as rice, coconut, and olive oils.

Enemies of the Liver
Deadly dangerous to the liver.
Maltodextrin's glycemic index is 130, higher than that of glucose itself. Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide used as a food ingredient. It is obtained from plant starch by partial hydrolysis, most often from corn.
Fructose and refined sugar.
Fructose is processed only in the liver, unlike glucose. Although it has a low glycemic index, it promotes liver fattening. In the food chemical industry, fructose syrup is very popular. The main raw material for fructose syrup is corn, including GMO corn. Pesticide residues also do not disappear. The glycemic index of this syrup is 115.
Thermally processed starches. (potatoes, rice, pasta, bakery products).
They rust liver cells, hepatocytes, and develop fibrous tissues.
Sweetened drinks.
Especially dangerous are those with the artificial sugar substitute aspartame (E951).
Fats are not dangerous to the liver unless they are oxidized. Useful oils – flaxseed, olive, hemp, cedar nut, sesame, amaranth, and argan. Avocado fruits fit well. Do not use margarine and oils containing a lot of omega-6 but little omega-3 (the most harmful oils are rapeseed, soy, corn, cottonseed). Margarine is dangerous, being essentially hydrogenated and modified fats. If you do not consume a lot of sweets, there is no need to fear saturated fats.
Soy protein isolate.
The production of soy products is usually a deep and complex chemical process. The body poorly recognizes such heavily modified products. Moreover, soy is mainly a GMO product. Soy products should not be eaten.
These are toxic mycotoxins produced by mold fungi (Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus flavus). Cause liver cancer. Particular care should be taken with peanuts, which are not nuts but legumes containing a lot of lectins.
Dried, fried, and salty foods.
Avoid meat and dairy proteins, from cottage cheese, which has a high concentration of casein. Dangerous is an excessively high amount of iron in the body (can occur from consuming a lot of meat).
Synthetic colorants, monosodium glutamate (E621).
Added to very many products. Very harmful to the liver. Avoid overly salted foods.


Signs of Liver Cirrhosis
Of course, whether there is liver cirrhosis or not can be determined by conducting appropriate examinations (ultrasound examination, blood tests, etc.), however, if you have the following signs, which can also be signs of other diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine their causes.

  π  Ascites or fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity;

  π  Itching of the skin on the feet;

  π  Clubbing (cylindrical shape) of the nails on the hands;

  π  Spider angiomas (red network on the skin);

  π  Gynecomastia (enlargement of the breast gland in men);

  π  Hepatitis (jaundice);

  π  Thin skin, due to insufficient collagen in the body;

  π  Easy bruising on the skin that does not go away quickly;

  π  Swelling of the legs;

  π  Insulin resistance;

  π  Redness of the skin on the palms of the hands;

  π  Cognitive and memory disturbances, fatigue;

  π  Xanthomas (elongated yellowish bags under the eyes).

Alcohol, dairy products, except for butter (butter does not contain casein), and thermally processed starches promote liver cirrhosis.


Chronic Hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis is a polyetiological diffuse inflammatory process of the liver lasting at least six months, at a stage when the liver structure is not yet damaged. The main cause is the untimely diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis or inadequate treatment, as well as non-adherence to diet (alcohol, sweets). Strong-acting medications and heavy metal salts can also promote hepatitis.

The most common signs indicating hepatitis could include asthenovegetative syndrome (weakness, sleep disturbances, fatigue), bleeding gums, dark urine but light feces, and teleangiectasia (red-purple expanded subcutaneous capillaries). Also, if biochemical analysis shows increased levels of cholesterol and bilirubin in the blood, hypoalbuminemia (reduced albumin amount in the blood), hypogammaglobulinemia (reduced gammaglobulins in the blood), reduced prothrombin in the blood (vitamin K assimilation is disturbed), as well as reduced T-lymphocytes and increased immunoglobulin amounts. These signs may indicate hepatitis.

Signs that may be related to liver fattening:

     Increased cholesterol levels in the blood (the liver produces less bile),

     Pain in the right shoulder,


     Itching of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet,

     Unpleasant breath,

     Vitiligo and pigment spots on the skin,

     Protruded and sagging abdomen,

     Heart pain (the liver enlarges and presses on the diaphragm),

     Gynecomastia in men,

     Night blindness, resulting from a vitamin A deficiency.

If the liver is not healthy, there is always a microbial imbalance, creating favorable conditions for fungi, such as mold and yeast fungi, manifesting as dandruff, nail fungus, psoriasis, and other skin problems.

The liver can stop performing its functions - detoxification and toxin elimination - by changing the temperature by only half a degree.

Black seed is the most potent natural remedy for regenerating liver cells, hepatocytes. The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder and taken by the teaspoon between meals for up to one year, gradually increasing the amount to 2-3 teaspoons at a time.


Prostate Adenoma
Both men and women produce both hormones. In men, testosterone predominates, while in women, estrogen. Over the years, this proportion changes.

The main cause of adenoma is the disruption of the balance between testosterone and estrogen, that is, in men, the estrogen level increases, and the testosterone level decreases. Increased estrogen concentration in a man's body gives it feminine features - increased fat tissue volume in the breast and hip area.

Functions of estrogen in a man's body:
    participates in metabolic processes,

    in osteogenesis in calcium and phosphorus exchange, that is, in the bone formation process,

    promotes the formation of fat tissue in the breast and buttock area, forming feminine features,

    reduces muscle tone.

Increased estrogen level:
    enlarges the prostate and increases the risk of prostate cancer,

    promotes erectile dysfunction and reduces libido,

    facilitates cardiovascular diseases,

    increases abdominal subcutaneous fat volume,

    promotes heart diseases, including stroke,

    muscles lose tone.

Causes of adenoma enlargement:
  Ο  increased amount of omega-6 fatty acids in the diet,

  Ο  sugar (promotes inflammatory processes),

  Ο  alcohol, especially beer, as it contains phytoestrogens (changes hormonal background, men become more feminine),

  Ο  meat, especially chicken meat (hormones are used in meat production, for example, the weight of a chicken exceeds 4.5 kg within less than two months after birth, which is not possible in nature)

  Ο  cow and other animal dairy products, except for butter (milk contains natural hormones intended for various hormone activations and baby development, these are entirely different hormones with different effects),

  Ο  soy products (soy contains a lot of lectins, but soy protein isolate contains estrogens),

  Ο  lectin-containing products (as they promote inflammatory processes). If problems with adenoma have already started, lectin-containing products (most lectins are in nightshade plants, legumes, and grains) must be excluded.

If there are no problems, and even if there are, eat as much greenery as possible, cruciferous family vegetables (cabbages). Greens should make up half of everything you eat. The most effective treatment is nettle roots. Broccoli sprouts can also be recommended, just be sure to grind them finely to form the active substance sulforaphane. Additional zinc and selenium should be taken.

Reduction in Skin Elasticity
The main cause is changes in the hormonal system, which start to appear from the age of 30, especially in women. As menopause sets in, the ovaries reduce hormone production, and the adrenal glands take over this function. This is especially noticeable if there were previously problems with the adrenal glands. One of the clinical manifestations is a reduction in skin elasticity (sagging skin), associated with a sulfur deficiency and a lack of such hormones as testosterone, cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, progesterone. The main cause of sagging skin is the decrease in growth hormone levels over the years, as it ensures muscle and skin tone, as well as the synthesis of hair, skin, and nails proteins collagen, fat burning, and energy.

The literature mentions the possible use of synthetic growth hormone, but it must be considered that as soon as this course is discontinued, the situation can significantly worsen, as during its use, the body stops its own respective hormone production.

To promote the production of growth hormone, recommendations are similar to those for other health problems: physical activity, quality sleep, and a full-fledged diet.


Acne, manifesting as reddened pustules (blister with opaque content), results from the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, caused by hormonal imbalance. The sebaceous gland ducts are blocked, inflammation occurs, followed by bacterial infection, for example, by propionibacteria. A secondary possible cause of acne is allergic reactions or hormones in animal-derived products. Contributing factors can be parasites, medication side effects, deficiencies in zinc and vitamin A.Non-inflammatory acne comedones are of two types: open type, which looks like a black dot, and closed type, which appears as a white dot. Inflammatory acne includes papules, pustules, nodes, and cysts.

Manifestations on the skin are indicators of internal processes and problems.

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                                 Endocrine system

Hormones are chemical messengers that facilitate communication between different parts of the body and organs. Hormones and their receptors, or signal receivers, operate similarly to a key and lock mechanism. Some receptors are located on the cell surface, others on the nucleus. Hormones are produced by the endocrine system: the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pancreas, gonads, and adrenal glands.

The external world - every emotion, thought, sound, and smell induces the production of certain hormones. The pituitary gland, located in the brain, signals endocrine organs to start or stop producing hormones. The thyroid gland regulates metabolic processes, the pancreas produces insulin depending on the diet, adrenal glands produce cortisol and adrenaline, ovaries in women produce estrogen, and testes in men produce testosterone.

Hormones can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group includes those that strengthen health, associated with love, happiness, joy, faith, forgiveness, hope, understanding, kindness, responsibility, patience, etc. The most well-known include: oxytocin, estrogens, endorphins, serotonin, phenylethylamine. The second group, which undermines health, often includes hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, associated with fear, hate, aggression, jealousy, envy, revenge, offense, unrest, sadness, etc. Cortisol rapidly decreases glucose levels in the blood, causing anxiety, increasing negative emotions, worsening sleep and memory. It disrupts the action of hormones regulating the sensation of satiety, leading to overeating and its consequences.

The body eliminates the hormone of fear, adrenaline, through urine, tears, and sweat.

Oxytocin could be called the hormone of sympathy, benevolence, and care for others' well-being. For example, in women during childbirth, it helps erase unpleasant memories about experienced pain to prevent the formation of unpleasant memories. It regulates the process of milk production.

There are hunger hormone ghrelin and satiety hormone leptin, which influence appetite.

The aforementioned are just a small part of more than 500 hormones that perform specific functions in the body. Most of them have not been fully discovered; there's only a notion that they exist. All hormones are united by the fact that the only way to regulate their secretion is through a healthy lifestyle. Diet must regularly provide essential amino acids for hormone production: tyrosine, phenylalanine, and threonine. For example, serotonin production is best suited to foods containing the amino acid tryptophan: chocolate, parsley, avocado, laminaria (seaweed), almonds, mustard, red and chili peppers. The thyroid gland is the most sensitive to micronutrient deficiencies, immediately affecting its hormone synthesis. Beekeeping products also fit well as they can replenish the micronutrient reserves necessary for maintaining hormonal balance.

Our mood and physical condition depend on the hormonal background. A deficiency in minerals also reflects on the hormonal system, manifesting as metabolic and hormonal disorders. Indicators of hormonal disorders include, for example, fear of trivial matters, excessive impulsivity, hysteria, etc. A lack of hormones in the blood and changes in the hormonal background can be the cause of serious diseases.

For example, the issue causing sharp public resonance related to mothers abandoning their children is primarily addressed by social workers and psychologists, although in reality, endocrinologists and biochemists should be involved. Three hormones most influence a woman's maternal feelings - progesterone (pregnancy hormone produced in the ovaries), thyroxine (thyroid hormone important for iodine), and prolactin (anterior pituitary hormone involved in milk secretion regulation), thus, addressing such problems should start from organizing the hormonal system.

Some essential amino acids for hormone production can only be obtained from food, but some hormones directly from food. The hormonal background, determining our body's condition, work capacity, and mood, directly depends on the food we consume.


The gastrointestinal tract produces almost all the hormones regulating the body
The nervous system of the stomach and intestines is very complex and acts as autonomous brains, controlling all food processing processes. Even losing contact with the brain and spinal cord, the gastrointestinal tract continues to function. Not only the pancreas but actually the entire gastrointestinal tract is part of the endocrine system, as it produces almost all the hormones regulating the body, including steroids and endorphins. More than 90% of serotonin is produced in the intestinal tract. Diet (lack of certain amino acids) and stress are factors that can affect its level. For example, a lack of serotonin leads to depression, as it participates in transmitting nerve impulses in the brain, and psychologists have studied that it can significantly affect making important and critical decisions, as well as controlling aggression.


External Steroids are Unnecessary for Us
If a person starts using cosmetics with hormone-like substances, it can lead to transformation and steroids entering the body, where they can start participating in the regulation of the body's metabolic and physiological functions. This way, disorders can occur in the female reproductive system, as well as the appearance of fibroids, cysts, and endometriosis.


These are substances that, even in a small concentration (one against several billion), can destroy hormones, for example, such substances are contained in insecticides widely used in conventional agriculture. To have an effect, even contact with the skin is enough. Insecticides are specifically designed to destroy the reproductive system of insects (agricultural pests). Pesticides used in conventional agriculture adversely affect the human endocrine system, enzymes, and disrupt food processing. Consuming food contaminated with pesticides, you will never overcome cancer and many other diseases. Such food depletes mineral reserves in the body.


The male steroid sex hormone testosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and testes. The peak of testosterone in a person is around 18 years of age. Over time, its level decreases, and proportionally, estrogen levels increase.

The male sex hormone testosterone begins to decrease by about 1% per year after the age of 35, although this is not related to age but to the accumulation of errors and diseases associated with an unnatural lifestyle, leading to metabolic disorders and toxin accumulation. Especially harmful is the use of hormonal drugs.

As testosterone levels decrease, estrogen levels automatically increase, leading to a reduction in muscle mass, prostate inflammation, and a lack of collagen, which in turn causes skin problems.

Low testosterone levels significantly increase the risk of prostate cancer, so there must be no zinc deficiency in the body. For prevention, the diet should include asparagus, garlic, and onions, especially red, which contain the most luteinizing hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland's gonadotropic cells. This hormone stimulates testosterone secretion in men and estrogen production in the ovaries in women.

Low testosterone levels cause reduced muscle tone and make it harder to increase muscle mass, libido (sexual desire), loss of skin collagen (more hair loss, decreased skin elasticity). A sign of low testosterone levels is prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate adenoma).

Causes of reduced testosterone levels:
     Excess weight,

     Increased amount of estrogen,

     Fatty liver and its damage,

     Increased amount of the enzyme aromatase, which creates an increased level of estrogen (nettle roots can be used for neutralization of aromatase, zinc is also useful),

     Soy protein isolate (contains a lot of estrogens),

     Elevated insulin levels in the blood (food with a lot of fast carbohydrates),

     Alcohol, especially beer,

     Medications, especially the statin group,

     GMO products,

     Use of pesticides in agriculture,

     Food packaging and household chemicals,

     Hormonal drugs in animal-derived food.

If hormones are received from the outside, the body reduces or even stops producing them on its own, which can cause serious health problems. This is called negative feedback.

Important factors for maintaining normal testosterone levels are less stress, enough sleep, vitamin D3. The increase in testosterone levels is also promoted by the so-called growth hormone, whose production is encouraged by, for example, hemp protein, amino acids obtained from food (arginine, tryptophan, lysine), as well as intermittent fasting, which promotes autophagy. Food should only be consumed when feeling a strong sense of hunger.

For prevention, it's best to use nettles and vitamin D3. Egg yolks and butter also fit well, but from chickens and cows that live in the wild during the summer. It's important to get enough sleep and experience as little stress as possible. Consume as little sugar and soy products as possible, the main enemies of testosterone. The larger the excess weight, the less testosterone. Beer is the most effective means of lowering testosterone levels.


Many cosmetics and hygiene products contain parabens or parahydroxybenzoates made from petroleum products, which increase the level of estrogen in the blood. The most sensitive to them are female sex hormones - physiologically active steroid hormones estrogens. Among them, estradiol is particularly sensitive, whose increased level raises the risk of hormone-dependent oncological diseases.

Flaxseeds contain not only the very necessary polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 but also lignans, which, acting as phytoestrogens, replace missing hormones in women during menopause.


It could be called the hormone of fear. When an animal finds itself in a dangerous situation, vision and hearing intensify, fur stands on end, and the pulse quickens to better supply muscles and the central nervous system with blood. To prevent bleeding from injuries, adrenaline stimulates the narrowing of blood vessels. To obtain additional energy, glucose levels in the blood are raised, but blood vessels narrow, leading to a lack of oxygen, switching to anaerobic energy, resulting in the breakdown of glucose, lactate is released. Fat breakdown into fatty acids and glycerin is also promoted.


Hormones Released During Fasting
Fasting is stress for the body, during which two types of hormones are released, adrenaline and cortisol, a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. When cortisol is released, glucose levels in the blood temporarily increase, thus providing an energy surge. At the same time, cortisol weakens protein and testosterone (anabolic hormone) synthesis. Cortisol also has anti-inflammatory action.


Endocrine System
The hypothalamus exercises control over all endocrine glands, linking the nervous system with the endocrine system through the pituitary gland. The anterior pituitary produces somatotropic hormones, which regulate the function of the internal secretion glands. They enter the bloodstream, significantly affecting the main processes of the body's functioning. Their deficiency or excess is the cause of many diseases.

Everything is interconnected. For example, the adrenal glands release the hormone adrenaline, which raises blood pressure, maintains muscle tone, physical and emotional activity, while the corticosteroids they release regulate tissue formation, supply bone marrow, liver with everything necessary for the production of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, hormones, vitamins, etc. Corticosteroids manage the synthesis of blood cells, hemoglobin, and tissue immune cells. Since the adrenal glands play an important role, they are well protected and rarely get sick unless there is interference in their operation, for example, with hormonal drugs.

The entire system of the body's internal secretion glands can self-regulate thanks to the information that the hormones themselves convey. When the concentration of a hormone in the blood increases, the hypothalamus immediately stops the production of that hormone.


Hormonal Therapy
Systematically using hormones from the outside, that is, with injections, creams, gels, aerosols, or tablets, the patient becomes dependent on hormonal drugs within a few months. In this way, the functions of all internal secretion glands are disrupted, metabolic process disorders, obesity, and diabetes appear.

Corticosteroids are widely used because they have anti-inflammatory effects, but it must be understood that the inflammatory process did not start without reason; it is the body's response to something disturbing, so the cause should be sought.

The consequences of hormonal therapy are already being faced by the third or even fourth generation. Parents should understand that treating children with hormonal drugs causes immune system function disorders, and every microbe becomes dangerous, suppressing the body's protein synthesis in ribosomes. Even if a child becomes dependent on hormonal drugs, detoxification can free them from it within a week.


Thyroid Gland
Problems with the thyroid gland are the second most common endocrine system ailment after diabetes. The thyroid can be confidently counted among the leading internal secretion glands. It regulates the main metabolic processes - nutrient oxidation and heat generation, as well as energy storage in the form of fat. Incomplete thyroid function in children manifests as incomplete physical and mental development, but in adults as drowsiness, weakness, accumulation of fat and fluid, mucosal swelling, and lowered temperature.

Increased activity (hyperfunction) is characterized by an increased amount of the thyroid hormone thyroxine. It manifests with a slightly elevated temperature and weight loss, possibly diffuse toxic goiter. To avoid problems, it's also necessary to ensure that the diet provides enough micronutrient iodine.

The thyroid gland is located near the tonsils, where lymphoid tissues are located, acting as a kind of internal environment filter. That is why various pathogenic flora often settle there, for example, staphylococci (tonsillitis). Nowadays, along with the general decrease in tissue immunity, the immunity barrier of the thyroid gland, as well as the tonsils, also decreases. Frequent tonsillitis results in lymphatic tissues transforming from protectors to distributors of purulent processes. Treating them with antibiotics creates resistant bacterial flora and, through the surrounding dense network of blood vessels as a promoting factor, inflammation develops in relation to the thyroid gland (thyroiditis). Further possible outcomes are cysts, adenomas, or even malignant formations.

There is a general belief that angina is caused by colds, but dead tissues (pus) accumulate in the body not because we catch a cold but because of the food we eat, which later becomes a food base and favorable environment for microbes that release toxins such as the enzyme streptokinase or similar. Over time, as they multiply, they penetrate the thyroid tissue, resulting in thyroid tissue inflammation (thyroiditis) and further pathologies. The most popular treatment method is surgical intervention, followed by thyroid hormone replacement therapy, which uses levothyroxine, whose side effects are similar to those of thyroid hyperfunction.

Eco-medicine believes that a full detoxification course with cellular and tissue purification should be conducted. In this way, without surgical intervention, cysts and fibrous nodules disperse within less than a year, and other organs are simultaneously purified, and many other chronic ailments disappear.


Sex Hormones and Menopause
The main internal secretion glands that produce hormones, which then enter the bloodstream, are the gonads. In women, when the gonads cease to function, the missing hormones are compensated for by the other internal secretion glands, but this does not happen fully for some patients, so hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progesterone) is recommended. Using replacement hormones for a long time does not allow the body to compensate for the hormonal imbalance and associated symptoms: elevated blood pressure, headaches, hot flashes, osteoporosis.

During menopause, latent infection foci in the female body become active, toxins enter the bloodstream and further into the tissues, disrupting ATP synthesis, resulting in elevated temperature. Previously, these pus foci, located in the sinuses, appendix, lymph nodes, tonsils, gums, and elsewhere, were strictly limited by a strong immune system, formed with active participation of sex hormones. Similarly, when small children often get sick but stop getting sick upon reaching puberty, the reason is the strong tissue immune barrier created by active sex hormones. Diseases are not eliminated but "driven inward."

The increase in blood pressure during menopause is not related to periodic blood loss, as before, but to the activation of the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

In eco-medicine, the consequences of menopause are neutralized by detoxifying the body at the tissue and cellular levels, then transitioning to a biologically full-fledged diet. The role of replacement therapy is played by the diet, necessary not only for the gonads. Berries, greens, and fruits contain plant hormones, analogous to those lacking in a woman's body during menopause.


Sleep Hormone Melatonin
The human circadian rhythm, including the production of the hormone melatonin, is regulated with the help of a special protein, cryptochrome. Melatonin is produced from serotonin by the pineal gland or pineal body, located in the cranial cavity at the intersection of the optic nerves, that is, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The pineal gland is sensitive to light. Melatonin production occurs only in the dark, but the brain sometimes cannot distinguish the difference between daylight and artificial electric fields, resulting in disrupted melatonin production. The hormone melatonin regulates the sleep and wakefulness regime and also acts as a powerful antioxidant and a detoxifying anticarcinogen. As nature has intended humans to live according to the solar rhythm, melatonin is best produced from about 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and also serves as an anti-cancer hormone. If it is lacking, the immune system's function is weakened, sleep is disrupted, and many other health problems arise, but it is not advisable to take it in supplement form, as, like any hormone supplementation, it degrades its own hormone production. Over the years, melatonin production decreases in humans, thus reducing sleep duration. This, in turn, promotes inflammatory processes, hence diseases associated with them. Everyone who falls ill with oncology is characterized by having 2-3 times less melatonin than necessary.

It is not advisable to use food supplements or toothpastes containing fluoride, as it adversely affects the pineal gland. Also, a deficiency of the amino acids glycine and tryptophan causes problems with melatonin production. Products containing caffeine pose problems. It is also not recommended to consume sugar-containing products before sleep, except for high-quality honey, as they provoke rapid insulin production, later leading to a decrease in sugar levels and the production of the stress hormone adrenaline and the fear hormone cortisol, which interfere with melatonin synthesis. Bedrooms should be cool and ventilated. Blue light adversely affects melatonin production, but red light is beneficial. Aromatherapy and teas with a sedative effect also help. Electrical outlets and devices connected to electricity should not be near the bed. The electromagnetic field negatively affects melatonin production. It is not recommended to obtain melatonin from the outside (for example, in tablet form), as it reduces natural melatonin production.

Possible causes of sleep disturbances:
    Lighting, unventilated rooms, temperature higher than 18°C,

    Blue light (there are special protective glasses and computer programs to avoid it),

    High-frequency electromagnetic radiation (mobile phones, computers, etc.), nearby electromagnetic field (various electrical devices including those turned off but not disconnected from the electrical network),

    Potassium deficiency, manifested as an accelerated pulse (for example, hearing heartbeats in the ears when lying down), potassium deficiency promotes cortisol production, also cramps indicate potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body,

    Sugar - promotes the production of the hormone insulin (reduces glucose levels in the blood), but as sugar levels decrease, stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol are produced in large quantities, which are antagonists of the sleep hormone melatonin,

    Deficiency of magnesium and vitamin D3 (causes muscle spasms),

    Fatty, protein-rich diet,

 especially in the second half of the day,

    Acidic internal environment of the body, promoted by animal-derived proteins (produces nitric acid),

    Insufficient amino acids glycine and tryptophan necessary for melatonin production,

    Sleeping on the left side (should sleep on the right side, especially if overweight, because the liver presses on the heart),

    Irregular breathing (inhalation and exhalation should be even, 4-5 seconds inhale and the same exhale,

    Fluoride, as it is toxic to the pineal gland, which produces melatonin (contains toothpastes with fluoride, possibly also tap water),

    Stress (can be reduced with sports activities during the day, evening walks, and relaxation events, but it is not recommended to watch, for example, horror movies before sleep),

    Deficiency of B vitamins,

    Caffeine, as it disrupts melatonin production (coffee, chocolate, black and green tea).
